What Are The Worst Ice Storms Recorded In Michigan? Find Out Here
Michigan has had its share of terrible ice storms and here are some of the worst in the history of the state.

Ice Storm In Cadillac
100 years ago there was an ice storm that hit Cadillac that produced up to 2 to 4 inches of ice depending on where you were in the region. This storm was the worst to ever hit the area leaving power lines and trees down everywhere. The weight of the ice alone damaged several buildings and homes on top of trees and power lines falling on them.
Muskegon and Grand Rapids Ice Storm
A storm that hit Muskegon, Grand Rapids, and stretched all the way to the thumb area of the state happened 46 years ago. The ice storm went on for three days March 2-4 in 1976. 2-3 inches of ice covered both Muskegon and Grand Rapids and all points in between. Most of the rain occurred during temperatures under freezing which meant instant ice accumulation.
Oakland County Ice Storm of 2003
One of the worst ice storms that happened in Southeast Michigan happened on April 3-4 in 2003. It was only a half-inch to an inch of ice but it knocked out the power of nearly half a million homes with 50,000 homes out of power for over a week. The cost of the storm damage was well over 50 million dollars.
Below are two videos featuring footage from the ice storm.
Both of these videos really give you an outstanding look at just how damaging this storm was.
This hands down are the worst ice storm to ever hit Oakland county with over an inch of ice accumulated over 2 days.
Flint Ice Storm of 2013
If you lived near the Flint area back in 2013, this storm probably still brings back some memories. There were 1-4 inches of ice with this storm knocking out power for over 30,000 homes. A state of emergency was called due to the number of trees and power lines that were down and blocking roads.
Hopefully, these ice storms are a thing of the past but unfortunately, mother nature makes the calls and she is so unpredictable.
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