Woman Slays Corner Bar Hot Dog Record
Molly Schuyler showed up at Rockford's Corner Bar Wednesday with a camera and a goal: smashing the venue's hot dog eating record.
Schuyler, whose competitive eating exploits are covered on her YouTube Channel show "Woman Vs. Food" popped in to the Corner Bar determined to set the record.
“She just came in and all business,” Corner Bar General Manager John Vanaman told WOOD-TV 8.
The business Schuyler was there for, was to attempt to smash the Bar's all time chili dog eating record, which was set by Tim 'Eater X' Janus in 2006, when he polished off 43.5 fully loaded chili dogs. It is not clear how much time he took.
So it may surprise you to know, that Schuyler, who is kind of petite, knocked back those 50 dogs in 22 minutes.
The previous female record was an impressive 43 set by amateur Balinda Gould back in 2005, according the Atlas Obscura web site. Sadly, Gould passed away in 2011.
Of course, if you ever been to the Corner Bar, you've seen their 'Hall of Fame' shrine dedicated to the over 6000 people who have met or surpassed the 12 hot dog challenge put forth by the restaurant. To make the Hall list, you have to eat the dogs in a four hour time period, and if you can get to 20, the Corner Bar will pick up your tab.
“She was saying she could have gotten to 75 if she didn’t have the pitcher of water,” Vanaman said.
Full disclosure -- I have tried and failed to make the Bar's Hall Of Fame. I topped out at 8.