Women In Allegan County Jail Make Blankets For Shelter Animals
A program at the Allegan County Jail teaches women in the Re-entry Unit how to crochet with blankets made going to area shelters to comfort animals while they wait for their new homes.
As part of the steps in the Moral Reconation Therapy program, participants of the Women’s Re-entry Unit are required to complete community service. Earlier this year, this unit started crocheting which was a great opportunity for them to give to the community and complete the community service portion of the program by making blankets for the Allegan County Animal Shelter. The program was put together by Deputy Carlson and Sgt. Commissaris with the help of Carol DeBoer, a member of a local church, who donated her time to teach the inmates how to crochet.
On Monday, the inmates in the program were able to present 14 hand made blankets to Susan from Wishbone. Susan was very thankful and said that the blankets would be useful at the shelter for all of the animals.
What a great idea that benefits all party's involved! Perhaps other local jails will start similar programs.
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