You Might Be A Michigander If…
Not many states in our union have as much state pride as we do in our beloved state of Michigan my friends. We love our sports teams. We boast about our high schools, universities and colleges through bumper stickers, license plate frames and even antenna flags. We show off all four of our seasons on our social media. You see our state flag displayed proudly in every city and municipality no matter how big or small. Take out the Detroit Lions and crappy roads and living in Michigan pretty much rocks!
On that note - you shouldn't have any problem spotting a Michigander anywhere in the world. Just in case you can't - Check out this list of how you know you're from Michigan.
You Might Be A Michigander If....
You think Vernors can cure all ailments even Covid-19.
You think everyone on the major league baseball hall of fame election committee who didn't vote for Lou Whitaker should be flogged.
You don't think twice about budgeting tires and front end alignments bi-annually because of the roads.
You're a Michigan grad so you speak loudly and slowly to anyone who graduated from Michigan State because you think they're a little dense.
You're a State grad so you speak loudly and slowly to anyone who graduated from U of M because you think they're a little dense.
You don't think twice about your local grocer running out of Coke but let them run out of Faygo and we have a problem.
and finally...You might be from Michigan if....
You point to a place on your hand to show someone from out of state where you live.
Five Great Places to Ride Your Motorcyle in Michigan