18 Cases of COVID-19 Confirmed at DENSO Manufacturing – 1 Dead
As reported by WWMT, DENSO Manufacturing has confirmed 18 cases of COVID-19 in their Michigan facilities. The video below states, quote, "that includes 13 infections at the company's Thermal Manufacturing Facility in Battle Creek." Later in the segment, DENSO officials say "one team member in Michigan has died from the virus."
DENSO Battle Creek has over 3,000 employees coming and going every day. and 13,600 in North America. When Stay Home Stay Safe was first put in effect, Denso shut production down in order to install barriers and map out compliance for physical distancing. Upon employee's return, every employee was provided personal protective equipment such as masks and shields. Employees are sent home if they have a fever or are showing other signs of illness. However, as we've learned about this virus, some people can carry it without ever falling ill or showing signs. With nearly 14,000 employees sharing such close quarters, an asymptomatic person could easily infect a whole line.
DENSO also reported two cases at it's small motors, and one at its Grand Rapids office. The company did note in their statement to WWMT that their, quote, "top priority is the health and safety of their employees."
We're not out of the woods, yet. This outbreak, within the tiny city of DENSO Battle Creek is another reminder of the importance of masks, frequent hand washing, and temperature checks. Stay safe and healthy out there.
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