24,639,000 Foreign Born People Have Jobs In U.S.
A record number of foreign born people currently have jobs in the America. This is according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
For your information the BLS does not determine how many of those are here legally or illegally.
The number of 24,639,000 in August 2014 was up over a half a million from July and represents approximately 16.8% of all job holders in the U.S.
I ask the question, with so many Americans without jobs are you comfortable with this?
Not that I begrudge those foreign born people the jobs they have but a what point do we need to worry about our family first before others?
Let's talk about it tomorrow on my show the Live with Renk Radio Show tomorrow at 9 am. Call me at 269-441-9595.
By the way the Black unemployment rate is 11.4%.