Audio of Renk’s Interview with Economist Dr. Wolfram
I interviewed economist Dr. Gary Wolfram Thursday (Dr. Wolfram is the William E. Simon Professor of Economics at Hillsdale College and President of Hillsdale Policy Group, a consulting firm specializing in taxation and policy analysis. he received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California at Berkeley.
I asked Dr. Wolfram the following question:
Why does anyone bother to listen to economists anymore?
That question was raised by another well known economist Stephen Moore, Stephen Moore is an economic consultant with FreedomWorks and senior economic analyst at CNN. In an article titled “Fast Growth, and Lots of It, Is Right Around the Corner” published in Townhall.com Mr Moore wonders with all the poor economic predictions that have been made over the last 6 years why should we believe them anymore.
LIsten below to hear how Dr. Wolfram answered the question:
Segment 1 of 3:
Segment 2 of 3
Segment 3 of 3
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