Audio of Rep. Amash’s Interview with Renk: Impeachable Conduct
On Wednesday June 26th I interviewed Congressman Justin Amash (R- 3rd District MI) to discuss his belief that President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct and Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report and more.
Congressman Amash tweeted, after reading the entire Mueller Report, that he thought that President Trump’s conduct is impeachable. Congressman Amash stated the following:
Here are my principal conclusions:
1. Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report.
2. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.
3. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances.
4. Few members of Congress have read the report.
Below is the audio from that interview in which Congressman Amash explains why he believes President Trump did commit impeachable offenses:
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