Battle Creek National Guard Part Of Michigan Gov. Inauguration
In a ceremony at the Michigan Capitol on January 1, Governor Gretchen Whitmer formally passed command of the Michigan National Guard to Maj. Gen. Paul Rogers. Maj. Gen. Rogers escorted Gov. Whitmer to her Inauguration on the steps of the Michigan Capitol, where music was played by the 126 Army Band, a 19-Gun Salute was fired by the 119th Field Artillery, and a flyover of the Capitol was conducted by UH-60 Blackhawks from the 3-328th Aviation Battalion. Following the Inauguration, Gov. Whitmer and former Gov. Snyder joined members of the Michigan National Guard in the Change of Responsibility ceremony on the third floor of the capitol.
The 110th Attack Wing of the Battle Creek Air National Guard Base started off 2019 with its very own Tech. Sgt. Glenn Whitt and Staff Sgt. Anthony Woodruff front and center at the inauguration ceremony for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
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