Bizarre Two-Story Outhouse Found In Michigan
Unique, strange, and maybe a bit gross, see a real-life two-story outhouse that is here in Michigan and attempts to preserve it.
While taking pictures on an urban exploration, I met with Mike Voss whose great-grandparents once owned the Hotel that it was attached to. While his great-grandparents ran it as a hotel with the family living on the upper floor and guests on the lower level with each having the designated "privy". Mike also relayed a story that has carried on through his family.
Here is the jyst of what Mike told me. The home with the two-story outhouse was built and owned by William Nelson. He owned a logging company and was the first to settle in that area. There was a small town about a mile up the road from where he settled, most of which is now gone. It was called Shorter Town, now known as Edmore. The upper level was the family home and the lower a general store that was run by Nelson's wife. Later owners converted the lower level into a hotel or boarding house. The two floors "openings", despite rumors, are not directly above each other. Rather they are offset with the lower floors openings (yes, plural, openings) set forward and the upper more to the back of the hollow rear wall of the guests privy. Also, to prevent any 'SPLASHING' there was a board placed into the ground between the two outlets. Check out some of the photos I got.
Yes, there are four openings on each floor. The outhouse is all that remains after the main building burned a few years ago. there is currently an effort to move and preserve this outhouse.