Consumers Offers Solid Deal To Hire Vets
Consumers Energy has a special notice for military veterans with experience working with electrical systems and power grids. You are wanted. The utility has long sought out technical workers with military experience. The utility is ready to bring on potential new electrical line workers to join Consumers Basic Electric Lineworker Apprentice program.
Following initial acceptance of eligibility requirements, the military veterans enter a 10-day free training program. Successful completion there allows candidates to enter the apprentice program. The key to entry into the training is documented experience with electrical power grids and line work. Consumers executives say the need is great. Enough so that the utility covers the cost of the upfront 10-day program at the Utility Workers Union of America Michigan training site. Four days of assessments follow. Once accepted into the Apprentice program at Consumers. Starting wages for the new apprentice line workers begin at $35.00 per hour.
Guy Packard is the utility’s Vice President of Electric Operations. He is also a military veteran, having served with the US. Navy Reserve. He says there is a reason why Consumers is specifically recruiting veterans. “We value the skills and strengths our country’s military veterans bring to work every day. Electric lines work is a high-demand occupation that is physically challenging and requires a high degree of mental discipline. Veterans have an excellent track record of career success at Consumers Energy.”
Packard points out Consumers ranks high among corporate workplace environments for vets. Consumers has been awarded recognition as a Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency Gold-Level Employer. And the Military Times “Best For Vets” list of employers nationwide places Consumers third overall. Veterans interested in the program can find more information and a registration link here.

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