Get Some Help To Pay Your Heating Bill
Consumers Energy is getting an unlikely partner helping to get the word out about home and small business energy bill assistance. As Michigan’s Attorney General, Dana Nessel is typically involved with reported crime and using state resources to fight criminal activity. But this week, AG Nessel is taking time to work with Consumers Energy to help make sure Michigan residents know about energy bill assistance.
Right now, there are tens of millions of dollars being held in several accounts to help residents and small business owners get assistance to pay winter heating bills.
We just came off a very cold stretch from last month and the increase in heating costs is now showing up on bills going out this month. Nessel says,” No one should go without warmth or comfort in their own home when they can have access to so many dollars here in Michigan, starting with a single phone call. We know February’s brutal cold is leaving our friends and neighbors with high energy bills, but they should know they can take action now that can make a huge difference.”
Consumers Energy support staff say anyone who is struggling with energy bills should call 2-1-1. It’s a free service. People are standing by to get you connected with nonprofit agencies near where you live. The companion website for the program is
The supporting community agencies know how to help you tap into the money available to help with emergency heating assistance. Some other ways you can connect with support services include:
-Making a direct application for State Emergency Relief (SER) at
-Working with Consumers Energy at 800-477-5050 to make payment arrangements.
-Completing an application for a Michigan Home Heating Credit at