Man Sprints Wrong Way Down Sprinkle Road to Save Runaway Dog
Yes, this story has a happy ending.
Yesterday, (Sunday, May 15th), my significant other and I were headed home from the Menards on Gull Road. We were getting ready to take a left onto Sprinkle Road when I noticed a few people out of their cars running around the grassy area by the side of the road:
We initially assumed that it was an accident with all of the construction. But, as we moved closer we realized it was actually a dog that had either gotten off of its leash or jumped out of its car and was now freely running around Sprinkle Road. If you live in the Kalamazoo area, you know how busy that road can be.

At least five people were out of their cars trying to wrangle this dog before it got hurt. Then, in the worst-case scenario, the dog began running at full speed against the traffic coming down Sprinkle Road. Without hesitation, those who were already out of their car stepped onto the road to wave down oncoming traffic to try to warn them about the loose dog with one man running as fast as he could after the dog trying to catch it. Again, this is against oncoming traffic. The traffic barriers block the view, but you can see him circled below (behind the barrier):
Thankfully, a driver in the oncoming lane stopped their car, hopped out, and expertly blocked the dog until someone was able to snag it. The dog was quickly reunited with the owner and everyone went their separate ways.
Every day, we hear stories that may, in general, leave us disappointed with humans. Yesterday was not one of those days. While I don't know any of the people who bravely ran into a road trying to save a dog that wasn't theirs, if you happen to read this, just know that you all restored my faith in humanity. And, if you recognize this man below, buy him a beer, his favorite food, or perhaps some ice packs for those legs. He might need them after chasing after that dog:
If stories of animals in peril stress you out, even with a happy ending, I understand. Hopefully, these pups in costumes will help cheer you up!