The Tulip Festival is one of the nation's largest celebrations- will you get arrested if you try to take home a souvenir?

Growing up in Holland, I've heard the local legends all my life but is it actually illegal to pick tulips? The Holland Sentinel went to the authorities for the answer:

It’s kind of this Holland lore that there’s a $50 fine for each tulip that is picked. I’m not sure where that came from.
-Capt. Rick Walters, Holland Police Department

"Technically," Sentinel staffer Meghan Schmidt speculates, "picking a tulip can be considered malicious destruction of property. So plucking one from city property or public right-of-way can be a 90-day misdemeanor criminal violation — if you’re caught."

So, despite what you may have heard from locals or Tulip Time visitors it may not actually be illegal to take home a tulip but it's probably not a good idea.

Bonus Video: Holland Tries To Set the World record for Most Klompen Dancers



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