It seems these days we are riding a wave of legalizing what is currently illegal or forced acceptance of passed frowned upon behavior.

Well what is next, prostitution?

Should prostitution be legal?  I have been asking that question for years.  If you are someone who is pro-choice I have to believe you definitely believe that prostitution should be legal.  It is a woman’s body and it is her right to choose what to do with her body.

The New York Times recently published an article titled “Could Prostitution Be Next to Be Decriminalized?“. In that article they inform us that apparently lawmakers around the United States are reconsidering how to handle the crime of prostitution.

In fact the lawmakers in the states of Massachusetts and Maine have introduced bills to decriminalize prostitution and a number of cities and other states are considering doing the same thing.

One state Senator in New York, Jessica Ramos was quoted in the article stating:

This is about the oldest profession, and understanding that we haven’t been able to deter or end it, in millennia...So I think it’s time to confront reality.

She certainly does have a point there.

On the other side of this debate we have advocates for sex-trafficked and abused women who believe that if we were to legalize prostitution it would not eliminate underground sex trafficking but would actually increase it.

The countries of Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand and the Netherlands, as well as  other parts of the world have already legalized prostitution.

New Zealand legalized prostitution back in 2003. A study of New Zealand’s legalized prostitution industry found the following:

the vast majority of people involved in the sex industry are better off” but “many sex workers were still vulnerable to ‘exploitative employment conditions” and that some sex workers were being forced to take clients “against their will.

They went on to say that they also found that even though they decriminalized prostitution:

the number of sex workers, and those workers underage, does not appear to have significantly changed

Doesn’t it really come down to the fact that a woman should have the choice to do with her body as she sees fit?  If that is true, then the government and society, should not have the right to tell a woman that she cannot sell her body.

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