The Top 22 Waterfront Restaurants in Michigan
As the temperatures rise, the opportunity to eat a top-notch meal with a wonderful view of the water presents itself. There's really no better combo than a good drink, good food and a good view.
I'm partial to seafood in such a setting. Freshly caught fish, shrimp and scallops from the Gulf of Mexico relaxing on a patio at a Mobile Bay restaurant is how I was raised down in Alabama. A true delicacy. Of course, with my new adventures in Michigan, I'm looking for that comforting feeling.

That put me on the search for restaurants that at the very least have a waterfront view. Of course, I'm not getting an ocean here in the Midwest, but a lake or river will do just fine. Just get me near the water with good food.
It also doesn't have to be seafood. Burger joints, Italian cuisines and brewpubs work just fine for me.
Those types of restaurants and more fill the list below. I looked through every bit of Michigan using Yelp! to find the restaurants with the best reviews to go along with their excellent waterfront views. I narrowed down 22 restaurants that have at least 100 reviews and a 4-star rating or higher from all across the Mitten. So no matter where you are in Michigan, you can enjoy great food and great views.
Now, the order of the restaurants is a simple science and not my opinion. Heck, I haven't lived here long enough to have eaten at any of these restaurants. Restaurants 22-9 have 4-star ratings while the top 8 have 4.5 stars. Each of those ratings are simply ordered by who has the most reviews at that rating. I figure more reviews means popularity and a healthy balance of higher reviews to keep a good rating.
Now that I'm good and hungry, let's get on with the list. Which one are you visiting first?