A new resource for those suffering a mental crisis has just become available in West Michigan.

Depression affects nearly 10% of Americans, according to usnews.com. Overall, that statistic is higher for teens and young adults with a 17% depression rate in 2020. It's more common than people think.

With that in mind, the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan, through its be nice program, has partnered with Crisis Text Line to offer a text-based hotline for those in need, as reported by mlive.com.

TW: Since this covers a hotline for a crisis of mental health, there will be talk about self-harm.

About the Text Line

The text line is available 24/7. Those who need help simply text the word nice to 741741. They will then be connected with a volunteer crisis counselor immediately.

TSM/ Chelsea Rose
TSM/ Chelsea Rose

The volunteers are trained and their platform is secure. Please note: while the volunteers are trained, they are not medical professionals and cannot give medical advice.

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Who is the Text Line For?

The common misconception might be that this kind of hotline is just for those who may be thinking about taking their own life. But, it's not.

Anyone who is going through a painful time, dealing with overwhelming emotions, or might just need some support can utilize the text line. As well, on their website, Crisis Text Line also has options for an online chat and WhatsApp.

When Should I Text?

When you feel like you need help. As stated above, this can be anytime you're feeling overwhelmed with painful emotions.

I'll be a little vulnerable for a moment. I am someone who deals with a lot of anxiety with a skosh of depression. Over the weekend, I celebrated a birthday which is normally a happy time, I know.

But, I got lost in my anxiety. I felt like a failure, like I was never going to get ahead in life, like I'd made all the wrong decisions, and on and on. Anyone who has been lost in that kind of spiral knows what I'm talking about. It was a bad day.

And, that's the exact kind of situation where you can feel free to use the text hotline. Even if it's just a bad day.

If you are dealing with heavy, overwhelming emotions, just know that I have a lot of empathy for you. But, of course, it's not always you that you have to worry about.

Teenagers, especially, deal with a lot of really big emotions and changes in their lives. If you're wondering if your child might be struggling with depression, here's a quick video about some signs to look out for:

If you're an employer wanting to create a healthy environment for your employees, Michigan recently launched a hub that can offer support:

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