9 Unexpected Places in Michigan You Can Get A Really Good Meal
One of the things that Michigan is known best for amongst all others is our food. Yes, there is a lot of industrial recognition, as well as the birth of the automobile on a large scale, Michigan has some amazing restaurants and eateries that are out of this world. The more you travel across the state, the more you will find, these unique locally-owned restaurants that have one or at times many different items that are unique to the business.
At the same time, we have the foods that we are most well known for like the pasty and the Coney Dog. Three of our county dog restaurants have been around since the early 1900s, so that will give you an idea of how important Michiganders view their food. That is the beauty of the state, you can pretty much go anywhere and expect to get a good bite to eat.

We tried to touch all surfaces of the map to compile this list, so you'll find places on this list that are in all four corners of the lower peninsula and parts of the upper peninsula as well.
It's very we missed some amazing spots, so let us know what some of your favorite places to stop on a road trip are and some of the unique foods that go with them. The next time you find yourself on a road trip, or you may live near one of these places, definitely stop and grab a bite to eat.