Kalamazoo Business Owner Accused of Posting Pro-Nazi Pics On Facebook
Days before the tragedy in Charlottesville, VA the co-owner of Craft Draft 2 Go on Stadium Drive in Kalamazoo was accused of allegedly posting pro-Nazi pictures on Facebook.
To be clear, as Americans we have the right to our own beliefs and the freedom of speech. Furthermore, the man in question has not broken any law here that we are aware of. However, American customers have the right to avoid a business that makes them feel uncomfortable due to those beliefs.
Greg Carlen of Lansing urged his friends on Facebook to stop going to Craft Draft 2 Go and shared pictures from were allegedly from Aaron VanArsdale's personal Facebook page as seen below.
That was followed by an apparent exchange on messenger between the two. Greg Carlen shared screenshots of the conversations in the comments.
Since this has come to light, both Aaron Vanarsdale's personal Facebook and Craft Draft 2 Go's Facebook pages have been taken down.
If the co-owner of this business is in fact pro-Nazi would that stop you from going to his business?
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