Kalamazoo Organization Hosting Free Shoe Drive Thru
For kids who will be attending Kalamazoo Public Schools this year and are in need, a free pair of shoes is going to be finishing off your back-to-school list. First Day Shoe Fund will once again be providing free shoes for those in need, but with updated safety measures in place because of Covid-19. The Drive-Thru will take place at the Wings Event Center from 9 a.m. until 5:30 pm. September 18th and 19th. The following schools with student attending this year were given times to arrive:
Friday, 9/18
9am-11am: Portage Public Schools
11am-1pm: Comstock Public Schools and Paramount Charter Academy
1-3pm: Vicksburg Community Schools, Schoolcraft Community Schools, and Climax-Scotts Community Schools
3-5pm: Woods Lake Elementary, King-Westwood Elementary School
Saturday, 9/19
9am-11am: El Sol Elementary School, Lincoln International Studies School, Northeastern Elementary School, Northglade Montessori Magnet School
11am-1pm: Spring Valley Center For Exploration, WoodsEdge Learning Center, Arcadia Elementary School, Winchell Elementary School
1-3pm: Prairie Ridge Elementary, Indian Prairie Elementary School, Edison Environmental Science Academy, Greenwood Elementary
3-5pm: Parkwood-Upjohn Elementary School, Milwood Elementary School, Washington Writers' Academy, Woodward School For Technology And Research
Families will be served even if they can't come at their designated pick up time, and if your child attends a Kalamazoo County school that is not listed, they are still eligible to attend this event.
Important info shared on the event page:
--No one can exit their vehicle while in the drive thru line**. There will be a designated area in the parking lot to try on shoes in a safe manner.
--Masks are required for anyone interacting with volunteers/staff of First Day Shoe Fund/Wings Event Center. Extra masks will be available on site.
--You must be in line by 5:30 pm to be served.

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