Vote For Your Favorite High School Marching Band in S.W. Michigan
Time to show your real school spirit and vote for your favorite high school marching band in Southwest Michigan for 2019.
Students, band members, band families and high school staff get ready to share vote and share some more.
One vote per person per day is permitted. Voting ends Thursday, November 21st at 11:59 PM eastern time. The winners will be announced at 6:50 am Friday, November, 22nd.
Important note: last year we asked for your votes for the favorite marching bands of "West Michigan." This year we're focusing specifically on "Southwest Michigan." So, if your school isn't in the poll below it might be cause you are outside of Southwest Michigan. However, if your school is not on the poll below and you feel it should be included please let us know in the comments.
VOTING HAS ENDED. Click here for the results.
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