Men in Women’s’ Bathroom
As Gomer Pyle use to say Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.
As all of us common sense intelligently thinking people were and are saying during the debate about gender-neutral bathrooms, some men will take advantage of this agenda.
According to reporting by the Toronto Star we already have our fist example.
The University Toronto has gender-neutral/co-ed bathrooms, meaning both men and women would not only be using the toilet stalls together but also shower stalls right beside each other.
The University is now reconsidering that policy and “rolling back” the use of their gender-neutral bathrooms.
Toronto Police said the other day “there were two separate instances of girls seeing a cell phone reach over the shower stall dividers in an attempt to record them”.
Bye the way the suspects have not been caught yet.
Really did the proponents of gender-neutral bathrooms not see this coming?
Did they not think this through?
Did they not think they would be possibly putting our daughters and wives in harm’s way?
The response by the University is that they have now figured out that pushing everybody into shared bathrooms might have been a bad idea.
It appears that the students have more common sense then many of these proponents, they say that reverting to single-sex multiple stall bathrooms could and would make voyeurism even more likely.
One student was quoted in the schools paper The Varsity about these incidents saying:
“It’s not very hard to be of [another] gender and sneak into the single-gender washrooms if they know it’s in the wee hours of the morning, or if they know that there’s only one person in there, who actually might happen to be in the shower. So I do feel that while [gendered washrooms] may help, there’s also the potential that [this system] could provide easier targets for the voyeur.”
Is it fair to say it is time to ask yourselves why these proponents of gender neutral multiple stall bathrooms are putting their agenda above the safety and welfare of women.
Let’s discuss this today on my show, The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
Or please feel free to start a discussion and write your thoughts in the comment section.
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