Michigan Democrat’s Do Not Vote To Stop Children From Being Stereotyped By Race & Gender
When I saw this I was truly surprised and grateful. Grateful that the Michigan Democratic Party once again gave me a perfect example to prove a point I have been telling my listeners for years.
That point is to never believe what a politician says and always look at how they vote or not vote. How they vote is what they really believe in or they are voting a certain way for political considerations and not for what is best for their constituents. I for one do not want a politician who votes yes or no depending on how their Party tells them to vote or for their own needs.
Two days ago every single elected Democrat State Representative and Senator did not vote to ban the state from teaching Kindergartners through High School students to stereotype their fellow students and others by race or gender.
You read that correctly.
Even the Detroit News reported that “in an unusual move, Democrats refused to vote on the bill”. They were so against banning the public schools from teaching students to stereotype each other by race and gender they would not even vote no.
Representative Andrew Beeler, R-Port Huron, the sponsor of House Bill 5097 stated that the bill would prevent the state from adding to the public school's curriculum ideas that:
"all individuals comprising a racial or ethnic group or gender hold a collective quality or belief" or that "individuals are born racist or sexist by accident of their race or gender."
Does that sound wrong to you? It does to every state elected Democrat politician because not one of them voted for this bill.
About the bill Rep. Beeler said:
“The bill also says curriculum can't feature the belief that "individuals bear collective guilt for historical wrongs committed by their race or gender."
Does that sound wrong to you? It does to every state elected Democrat politician because not one of them voted for this bill.
Rep. Beeler went on to say that a yes vote on the bill meant:
“taking a firm stance against the absurd claim that individuals bear collective guilt for historical wrongs committed by those who happen to share their race or gender."
Does that sound wrong to you? It does to every state elected Democrat politician because not one of them voted for this bill.
By not voting to ban the state to teach K-12 children that they should stereotype their classmates by race or gender they are endorsing and enabling that very same stereotyping by race or gender.
The bill passed on a 55-0 vote, not one Democrat voted for it. In fact, the Democrats did not even have enough respect for Michigan residents, their constituents, or school children to even show up to vote no. Governor Whitmer has promised to veto the bill when it hits her desk.
Is that now what the Michigan Democratic Party is? A Party that only looks at race or body parts and teaches children to stereotype other children and people by the color of their skin or what body parts they have.
How can you be against banning racism and Sexism? That is sad.