Michigan State Rep. Introduces African American ‘Reparations’ Bill In The House
On January 18, 2022, State Representative Cynthia A. Johnson from Michigan’s 5th House District introduced House Bill 5673. A bill in which she and her co-sponsors would like to spend $1,500,000,000 dollars on Racial Equity and Reparations for African Americans in Michigan. The bill would:
“make, supplement, and adjust appropriations for various state departments and agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; to provide for certain conditions on appropriations; and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.”
This bill currently has the following co-sponsors who are all Democrats: Yousef Rabhi, Brenda Carter, Shri Thanedar, Felicia Brabec, Tyrone Carter, Rachel Hood, Karen Whitsett, Jewell Jones, Tenisha Yancey.
The bill is tie barred to House Bill 5674 which would establish:
“the racial equity and reparations fund in the department of treasury; to provide for the expenditure of money from the fund; and to provide for the powers and duties of certain state officers and entities”
When Rep. Johnson was looking for co-sponsors of her bill she stated:
“These bills, which we have been working on for the last year, would create the “Racial Equity and Reparations Fund Act”
#1 would establish the Racial Equity and Reparations fund in the Department of Treasury to provide for the expenditure of money from the fund, and to provide for the powers and duties of certain state officers and entities.
#2 would add a section to the “Michigan Strategic Fund Act” which the fund shall not provide funding for a project or an economic development project, or provide a loan, grant, or other assistance to any entity unless that entity, prior to receiving that funding, loan, grant, or other assistance pays a surcharge equal to 13% of the present value of the amount of the funding, loan, grant, or other assistance, as determined by the board to the racial equity and reparations fund created in the racial equity and reparations fund act.
#3 is a bill to make, supplement, and adjust appropriations for various state departments and agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022 to provide for certain conditions on appropriations. The gross appropriation (part 1) would be $1.5 billion in Sec. 101 for various state departments and agencies to supplement appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022 and (part 2) funds appropriated in part 1 for racial equity and reparations fund must be deposited into the racial equity funds created in the act.
The purpose of these bills is to provide grants, loans, investments, and other economic assistance for businesses and for economic assistance for businesses and for economic developments that promote the African American business communities in our state.”
A “surcharge equal to 13% of the present value of the amount of the funding, loan, grant, or other assistance, as determined by the board to the racial equity and reparations fund created in the racial equity and reparations fund act”, you have to be kidding me. Is that not called extortion and is that not illegal when non-politicians skim that kind of cash off a store owner. I think the mob perfected that “protection” racket.
If you click on the hotlinks of the bills it is interesting to note that there is very little text written in these bills. How could anyone co-sponsor a bill that is written so poorly or with so little information?
What are the criteria for someone to qualify for the reparations?
How much will they receive?
There are many more questions but I will stop with those. I stopped after those two questions because I do believe it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for government, any government in the United States to give out taxpayer dollars based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status and more.
Has she or any of her co-sponsors ever read the Michigan or United States Constitution?
Have they ever read Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1976?
When will this racist and bigoted behavior by the Democratic Party end?
It will end when people stop voting for these obvious racists and bigoted Democrat politicians. With all of the "other people’s" money they give to the other people who did not earn it and they are courting their votes, that may be a long time.
God save Michigan from these people!
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