Pastor Speaker Pelosi; What Would Jesus Think?
You have to ask yourself; why would Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi invoke the name of Jesus when it comes to ICE doing their job? This is a person who has a long standing problem with her faith and church.
Back in 2013 reported the following:
Because of her longstanding support for abortion, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a Catholic, must be denied Communion under the law of the Catholic Church, said Cardinal Raymond Burke, head of the highest court at the Vatican.
Cardinal Burke referenced his remarks about Pelosi to Canon Law--the law governing the Catholic Church--and specifically Canon 915, which says those Catholics who obstinately persevere “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”
“Certainly this is a case when Canon 915 must be applied,” said Cardinal Burke in an interview reprinted on Sept. 5 in The Wanderer, a national Catholic weekly. “This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin--cooperating with the crime of procured abortion--and still professes to be a devout Catholic.”
“This is a prime example of what Blessed John Paul II referred to as the situation of Catholics who have divorced their faith from their public life and therefore are not serving their brothers and sisters in the way that they must--in safeguarding and promoting the life of the innocent and defenseless unborn, in safeguarding and promoting the integrity of marriage and the family,” said the cardinal.
First of all Speaker Pelosi the ICE agents were just doing their jobs because the targets of the planned raids had already received their due process and were remaining in the country in defiance of legal deportation orders signed by a judge.
Remember when the Democratic Party told us during the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearings that Americans are guilty until proven innocent and now the head of the Democratic Party is telling Illegal aliens and I can only presume Americans, she would not be hypocritical would she, that they should not obey orders signed by judges, interesting.
Let me ask you a question Speaker Pelosi, what would Jesus say about your support of abortion? Speaker Pelosi do you think Jesus would say; Pelosi’s support of abortion “today tears families apart - the opposite of mercy”.
Why a person like Speaker Pelosi with all the baggage she carries when it comes to her “faith” would invoke the name of Jesus is beyond me.
Or is her God and “faith” really just governmental power?