Popular Idler Riverboat in South Haven Listed for Sale
One of best stops in the summertime in West Michigan is up for sale. A most unique restaurant is available for a mere million and a half dollars.Jaqua Realtors has posted a "for sale" listing for The Idler Riverboat in South Haven.
Very unique restaurant and real estate opportunity on the water in South Haven, Michigan, literally! This popular summertime hangout is known for its playful atmosphere and delicious menu. Great scenario for an investor with room for a full time manager salary or perfect for an owner/operator. Currently only active for 8 months of the year but produces great income equivalent to 12. Contact us now for more information on this truly remarkable opportunity. - Jaqua listing description
The Idler is owned and operated by Millennium Group in Kalamazoo. Attempts to contact a spokesperson about the possible sale were unsuccessful.
A 2001 newspaper feature in the Herald-Palladium stated the riverboat was built in 1897, and had undergone a major renovation ahead of the 2001 tourist season. Positioned on the Black River, on the inlet between North and South Beach, The Idler has been a summer destination for years for both people from Kalamazoo, and for many Chicagoans who own weekend property in and around South Haven.
In the past few years, South Haven has increased it's marketing efforts to expand tourism beyond the summer months.
For the past two years, the visitor’s bureau has been ramping up its promotional efforts to attract tourists during non-summer months.
“We’re trying to grow the tourism economy year-round,” South Haven Tourism and Visitors Board Director Scott Reinert said in a more recent interview in the Herald-Palladium.
"A 2014 tourism study by the Michigan Travel Commission showed the average daytime visitor in Michigan spends $70 while staying in a town such as South Haven for the day. However, an overnight visitors spends $385, with 78 percent of that amount going toward food, shopping and attractions." - Herald-Palladium, Aug. 29, 2017
On a visit to The Idler this past summer, more than a few of the shops surrounding it were vacant and available for lease.
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