Second Battle Creek Man In Two Days Arrested For Child Porn Possession
For the second time in as many days, the Michigan State Police are announcing the arrest of a registered sex offender from Battle Creek for child pornography possession.
The Michigan State Police's Computer Crimes Unit, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force announced on Friday that they have arrested 57-year-old Alan Little of Battle Creek on charges of child sexually abusive activity and using a computer to commit a crime. Little was out on parole for a Third-degree Criminal Sexual Conduct charge, and came to MSP attention after the Michigan Department of Corrections "seized digital evidence" from Little and turned it over to police.
Little was then arrested after phones were examined, child sexually abusive material was found, and an interview was conducted.
This arrest is incredibly similar to an arrest the MSP announced a day earlier, that of 25-year-old Richard Bilicki; both cases involve Battle Creek men out on parole for sex crimes, who have been busted for allegedly possessing child sexually abusive material on a cell phone.
There is no indication, however, that this is anything other than a coincidence.
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