Two Million Dazzling Lights Make Christmas Bright at Shipshewana
Christmas is electric with this new holiday drive-through experience like no other that lights up Amish country, making Christmas joyful and triumphant.
Clark Griswold ain't got nothin' on this. Shipshewana's Christmas Lights of Joy is brighter than the star of Bethlehem. More than two million LED lights are strung up in festive holiday displays over a mile and a half route, bringing joy to the world, peace on earth, and goodwill toward man.
Andy Williams sang about silver bells and Christmas time in the city, but it's better in Amish country. Bundle up the family and point your sleigh south to the grounds of Shipshewana. Tune your radio to hear Christmas music and tidings of comfort and joy as you drive through the expertly-arranged displays depicting Santa and his reindeer, Christmas trees and trains, wreaths, the Twelve Days of Christmas, nursery rhymes, Old Man Winter. As you follow the path, you'll pass under arches and drive through tunnels, all illuminated in the spirit of Christmas. This being Amish country, you'll also see a covered wagon and an electric barn. Naturally, you will encounter the three wise men and see a humble nativity scene, depicting the true meaning of Christmas.
Shipshewana's Lights of Joy is like a fireworks show that doesn't go out. The only thing that could be better at Christmas than these two million lights is if we could get Essenhaus to serve roast beast.
Michigan's Most Dazzling Christmas Light Show