This dull, plodding, uninspiring, uneventful video of surfers on Lake Michigan has no chance of going viral.

We make a few suppositions guessing that this was filmed by a couple of guys on their lunch break from work. I'm also guessing that the location might be Gary, Indiana from the industrial backdrop and the mention of Southern Lake Michigan. One thing we know for sure, this video is not gnarly. It is never going to make the highlight reel on SportsCenter.


About a dozen surfers are out with their longboards clad in wetsuits in shoulder-deep waters of Lake Michigan looking for a wave. Surfing is, apparently, not as easy as the beach Boys made it sound. Finally, at the three-minute mark of the video, two surfers are shredding...FOR SEVEN SECONDS!

So, relax and prepare to be underwhelmed by this non-epic video. Oh, and watch for the NSFW language near the end. Cowabummer, dude.

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