Weed hangovers are more common than one might think. But, due to the limited studies, and extremely small 'research sample sizes' there is still a lot to learn.
You don’t need it to be 4/20 to get high in Michigan. No seriously, I’m not talking about using drugs I’m talking about literally getting high in the city of Kalamazoo. There are a lot of places in Kalamazoo where you can get a great look at the city
If you partake in Michigan recreational marijuana, it's a buyer's market as high supplies and more dispensaries opening up have driven prices down nearly 50%.
He’ll be making appearances with Chad Bronstein who is the Chairman of the company that owns Cloud, Carma HoldCo. Now, since there is a location here in Kalamazoo, Ric Flair could be stylin' and profilin' in the Zoo
Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency reports a 50% decrease in prices per ounce for November 2022 compared to 2021. Adults are currently paying $95.12 per ounce.