This is Home – Film Screening at Fetzer Center One Night Only
Western Michigan University's English 1100 class invites you to a showing of the documentary This is Home directed by Alexandra Shiva. According to the YouTube channel, Open City Documentary Festival, this documentary details:
What happens to Syrian refugees given haven in a western country? This striking suburban Baltimore set film paints a fascinating picture of the USA through the eyes of four families going through the country’s refugee self-sufficiency resettlement programme. The journey towards acculturation includes buying hijabs featuring the stars and stripes; discovering twelve hour working days; and beginning to confront the challenging gender expectations of their new home. This Is Home gives a novel portrait of America, whilst conveying the resilience of its shipwrecked subjects in a moving and compelling fashion.
This documentary is being shown at the Fetzer Center on Western Michigan University's campus on Wednesday, December 5th at 7:00pm. Buttons will be sold for $2 with the proceeds going to help displaced refugees.