Unemployment Coming To An End For 400,000 Michiganders
I guess now is the time that Michiganders need to get back to work. It has been a crazy year and a half with the pandemic. We all have been through a tough time and it is comforting that things seem to be getting better for most people.
There are many jobs available in many different lines of work in Michigan, from laborers, restaurants and foodservice, Casino openings, the medical industry, and so much more. Some companies are so eager to hire you that are offering some very nice signing bonuses.

When Will Benefits Expire?
So here is the scoop, unemployment is about to end for around 400, 000 Michiganders very soon, federal benefits expire Sept. 4th according to mlive.com
Michigan had about 450,000 new federal claims in the last month. Those folks will see their unemployment help end as the federal government concludes their programs. The extra $300 also ends on Sept. 4th.
More Info You Need To Know
But keep in mind state unemployment will not end. Folks cannot get federal unemployment if they’re eligible for the state program. About 100,000 people in Michigan are getting state unemployment each week.
The UIA has added about 2,000 temporary employees since the pandemic started to help handle the surge in claims. The 1,500 contracted employees will be the first to be let go once call volumes recede – but they’ll stay for now to handle the backlog of issues.
I guess hundreds of thousands will lose their paychecks in two weeks, but Michigan has many free resources to help connect people with new jobs on their Website.
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