Vaccination Rates Falling Dramatically
Since Governor Gretchen Whitmer's initial virus-related shutdown order began in March, physicians around the state began noticing a troubling medical trend. Vaccination rates for preventable diseases have fallen dramatically. The potential for disease outbreaks among those not vaccinated grows every day. The Centers for Disease Control reports an overall 20 percent drop in vaccinations for under 18 young people. Maybe the most troubling statistic is measles vaccinations for under 16-month-olds has fallen just over 75%. Other diseases with notable vaccination declines include mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and whooping cough. Michigan's Director of Immunization at the Health and Human Services Department tells the Detroit News that he is extremely concerned about the falloff in vaccinations and the resulting potential for outbreaks in the future.
The Associated Press reports researchers comparing how many kids were vaccinated in May of this year, compared to rates from 2016-2019, are finding fewer than half of 5-month-old babies in Michigan are up-to-date on their immunizations compared to prior years.

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