What Do You Do When Your Cat Gets Stuck in a Tree?
What do you do when your cat climbs 30 feet up in a tree and is way too scared to come down? Well, probably just wait until it gets hungry enough, and it’ll find a way, right? I had one once, where I just shook a can of Pounce a couple of times, and down he came. But sometimes it’s not that simple. Unlike a squirrel, cats can pretty much go one way. Forward.
Earl had never climbed a tree to my knowledge. In his almost 15 years, he never had to. He’s not squirrel-like in the least. The problem last weekend was that our recent family addition, a round-headed numbskull of a Rottweiler mix pup named Riker, looks like the German Blitzkrieg approaching. Oh, he’s sweet and very playful, and built like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, only with fur, and more teeth. And he loves to chase things. Anything. Tennis balls, dog toys, flies, and unfortunately, cats.
Earl and his brother Lenny have been in protective custody now for a few months since the new dog arrived. Sequestered away in individual safe rooms, we finally thought we might be making progress. The big dog would sniff and walk away disinterested. But Riker spotted Earl in the front yard on Saturday, got past Debbie, bolted out the door, and was hot on Earl’s tail. Up the tree, Earl went. He’s not a young cat, nor a thin cat, but a pretty fast one, I noted.
Debbie and I felt terrible, especially when Earl’s yowling all night long was louder than the coyotes-- if that’s even possible. And when Coyotes howl, dogs bark and howl back. And then cats yowl some more. Sleep isn’t likely to happen. Not for anyone.
By Monday, with possible rain and storms in the forecast, I decided to try and help poor Earl. I started looking around for one of those bucket lifts that you can tow behind your vehicle, and operate on varied terrain. I finally found one at Home Depot in Portage. It wasn’t going to be cheap, about $300 bucks a day, and hauling it might not have been the best for my old car, which has been around way longer than Earl. But I needed the lift for several projects, so it made sense.
But something happened right after I pulled out of my driveway. Divine intervention, I think. A tree crew had just arrived at a neighbor’s house and they had a bucket lift! What the heck, it can’t hurt to ask, right?
I’m sure I was the last guy Kevin Wayne wanted to see. He’s the owner of W.T. Forestry in Climax. I introduced myself and explained, in far fewer words, about Earl’s plight. “Do you think you might be able to swing by after you finish here and help us out?” Kevin never hesitated. “Sure, I can do that.”
So I texted him my address and a few hours later he and his crew pulled up. Long story short: Earl is now out of the tree and back in his safe house. He’s happy, Debbie’s happy. I’m happy. Riker's happy. Well, he's always happy. Thanks, Kevin!
I found out that Kevin served in the Marine Corps for six years in Afghanistan. His company, W.T. Forestry specializes in tree removal, stump grinding, and trimming and they’re fully insured. They offer veteran, LEO, and 1st Responder Discounts. And something tells me that if a guy will help out a total stranger to rescue a cat, after working hard all day, you can probably trust him to cut down trees next to your house. There’s something to be said for karma. You can reach Kevin at 269-580-3604 or e-mail: WTForestry2018@gmail.com
Oh, one more thing. Call him for tree work, please. Not cat work.

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