Gov. Whitmer Wants Michigan To Follow Battle Creek’s Lead On Distracted Driving
The state of Michigan could be soon following in Battle Creek’s footsteps on distracted driving.
Last week, the Battle Creek City Commission approved an ordinance which prohibits the use of a cell phone for texting, talking, or anything else while behind the wheel; that ordinance takes effect this Friday, and is much stricter than current state law.
Under current law, the only thing outlawed is texting while driving.
However, during her State of the State Address Tuesday night, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer voiced support for legislation which would do the same on a state level. She said that “you can’t navigate any road if you’re looking at your phone”.
The Detroit News says that her proposal would result in a $100 fine for the first offense and a $250 fine for the second. Fines would also be doubled if a crash was caused by a driver on their phone.
As of now, no specific bill has been introduced in the current Michigan legislative session to address this issue.
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