How About A Free Smart Thermostat?
Consumers Energy has been on a mission. Move toward cleaner sources of energy. And work toward reducing the energy consumption of residential and commercial customers without negatively impacting the level of activity going on. It’s a tough balancing act.
This week the utility is spreading a little holiday season cheer with an offer that will be hard for most to pass up. And it will help advance the goal. Free smart thermostats are being offered for both residential and commercial customers. It’s Consumers' first winter giveaway this month which executives at the utility hope will help thousands of customers get through the virus outbreak a little easier by saving some money and helping reduce the pressure on the electric grid. It will also decrease pressure on the power grid by moving some energy consumption away from normal peak usage times.
Smart thermostats can help reduce overall energy waste. On average, Consumers estimates the use of a smart thermostat can help reduce electric bills by as much as 10 percent.
There are some qualifiers involved. Commercial customers can check on eligibility at the Consumers Energy Business Marketplace. Residential customers are directed to the Consumers Energy Store to check on the thermostat availability.
Consumers provided almost 50,000 smart thermostats at no charge to customers this summer. That marked the first time the utility used that kind of approach to meet its long term goals and help customers at the same time. The utility has also helped residential customers with more than $12 million to help with energy bills. It also sent close to another $5 million to Michigan nonprofits for energy assistance through its charitable foundation.
Walmart and Sam’s Club locations throughout the state are also teaming up with Consumers to provide big discounts on LED light bulbs with prices as low as $1 for a pack of 8. You can get more information about the utility's long-term clean energy plans here.

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