Michigan Lawmaker Leads a ‘Hate Group’
The Southern Poverty Law Center is on a bigoted path once again. They believe if you do not agree with them then you are obviously a hate group.
Are they not in their own way being bigots?
Now it is a Michigan group, the American Family Association, which the SPLC left wing group is targeting. The American Family Association is headed by Michigan State Representative Gary Glen, a Republican from Larkin Township Michigan.
Mlive.com is reporting that when Rep. Glenn found out about the “hate group” label he was quoted as saying it was a "pejorative and prejudicial characterization."
The SPLC believes this Michigan group is a “hate group”, because they believe in traditional marriage and religious liberty.
Why is it that many of these groups like SPLC automatically label other groups as “hate groups” if they do not agree with the same positions that they do? Would that then not make their group a “hate group”?
The author of a report published by the SPLC was quoted in the MIlive article stating:
These vehemently anti-LGBT groups give lip service to religious freedom, but that is clearly not their goal in pushing these so-called 'religious liberty' laws.
One of the concerns SPLC has it the American Family Association group believes that ministers should have the right to refuse to perform any marriage "that violates his or her conscience or religious beliefs”, and ministers should be "immune from any civil claim or cause of action" based on their refusal.
The Southern Poverty Law Center believes that kind of thought would "allow individuals to deny goods and services to LGBT people on the basis of their religious beliefs" and have the potential to "create an atmosphere of bigotry and discrimination."
Do you believe a minister should have the right to refuse to marry someone?
If they do are they bigoted?
Let’s talk about this today on The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
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