Michigan Flunks National Teacher Assessment
According to a USA Today investigation Michigan received a grade of “F” regarding a teacher assessment database, resulting in Michigan being ranked among the worst states nationally at keeping teachers with misconduct problems out of classrooms in Michigan.
The Detroit Free Press is reporting that when you go to Michigan’s Department of Education credential verification website for parents all you will find is a name, list of approved teaching subjects and verification of a teacher’s license.
That is it. Sound like enough information for you to make an informed decision about a teacher?
Why would you want to inform parents of Michigan children about discipline records of a teacher or let us see the fact that their licenses and certifications were challenged or revoked because of criminal convictions?
Michigan only challenges the licenses and certifications of our teachers who commit certain crimes.
One big problem is Michigan burdens the local schools districts to perform extensive background checks.
By the way we are not alone at the bottom of the list, there are 11 other states that received a “F” grade like us.
The fact that Michigan has no misconduct and disciplinary issues reported on the MDE database, is part of the reason the USA Today investigation gave Michigan a F.
Josh Cowen, a professor at Michigan State University is quoted in the article concerning MIchigan pushing the background check on to the local school district stating:
“The problem is disadvantaged districts, (especially those) with large populations of at-risk and special needs students, are the ones where you’re more likely to have slip-ups,” Cowen said.
Shouldn't we as parents know all we can about the people that school districts put in front of our children?
Let’s talk about this tomorrow (Tuesday) on The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
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