Michigan, Transgenders’ and Driver License
A U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds ruled Monday that a group of transgender peoples lawsuit against the state of Michigan can move forward.
Mlive.com is reporting that a federal lawsuit filed by a group of transgender people represented by the ACLU, against the state of Michigan, specifically the Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, ruled yesterday (Monday) a denial of a motion by the state of Michigan to dismiss the case.
The transgender people believe their constitutional rights were violated because they are not allowed to change their sex on their Michigan driver’s license.
The state of Michigan response to their initial request was denied because they must have their birth certificates amended before a change can be recorded on their Michigan driver's license.
Sounds logical and a common sense rule to mean.
Michigan’s Secretary of State's office requires that information listed on a person's Michigan’s driver's license or ID card must match the information on the applicant's birth certificate.
The transgender people believe their privacy rights were violated.
Excuse me, I do not get that one, do you?
The lawsuit claims that in Michigan, "amending their birth certificate requires them to complete surgery, for which they have no current medical need and which they cannot afford”.
If they want their sex changed on their Michigan driver’s license why are they not willing to do what they need to do to have their sex changed on their bodies?
Work extra jobs to save the money for the operation. How about the ACLU pay for their operation.
The judge dismissed the state’s arguments that the policy serves state interests of "maintaining accurate state identification documents" to "promote effective law enforcement" and ensuring "that the information on the license is consistent with other state records describing the individual."
One of the transgender people is quoted in a statement released by the ACLU saying:
"By permitting us to have our day in court, the judge recognizes that being transgender and living in accordance with your gender identity is a serious, life-altering decision and that Michigan's harmful and unworkable ID policy needs to be critically examined”
Again I believe the requirement by the state of Michigan is a very reasonable one. If they want their sex changed on government documents then why are they not fulfilling their wants by changing their sex physically?
Do you believe that the state of Michigan’s request is reasonable?
If not why?
Let’s discuss this today on my program, The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
Or please feel free to start a discussion and write your thoughts in the comment section.
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