Michigan’s Expanded Medicaid in Jeopardy
Apparently like other states Michigan’s expanded Medicaid is in trouble.
According to reporting in the Michigan Capitol Confidential the Medicaid expansion approved in 2013 by our legislature may be coming to its end of life as it currently exist.
The only savior for the program as it exists today is if the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services grants Michigan a waiver by the end of the year. The waiver would allow Michigan to require the welfare programs beneficiaries to pay some small copays. If Medicare and Medicaid does not allow the waiver their coverage will cease next April 30. A total of 600,000 Michiganders could be affected.
The waiver would apply to the beneficiaries who make between 100 and 133% of the federal poverty level.
I remember former Speaker of the House here in Michigan, Jase Bolger, on my show state that the Michigan citizens would have some protection from picking up the huge tab the Federal government was intending to put on the states.
Should we taxpaying citizens of Michigan pay for the expanded Medicaid?
The problem is the government data Governor Snyder relied on predicted there would only be an additional 477,000 people enrolled by 2020. Well like all government predictions they were wrong, extremely wrong. As of September of this year 600,000 adults had already enrolled in the expanded Medicaid program.
I am so sick of the government predictions being so completely and embarrassingly wrong, well embarrassing to people with consciences I should say.
It is time we make these political parties responsible when they pass legislation pushing their agenda on such bogus claims. All of bogus claims the democrat party made to the American people about Obamacare should carry a price for the party itself. By price I do not mean loss of seats but money.
When legislation is approved overwhelmingly by one party or the other should that party have to pick up some of the extra incurred expenses?
Let’s discuss today on my program, The Live with Renk show, which airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts at (269) 441-9595.
Or please feel free to start a discussion and write your thoughts in the comment section.