School wants to drop the Pledge of Allegiance
This piece is not just about a school that wants to drop the Pledge of Allegiance for a “student authored” oath to “global security”, it is about parents being vigilant of what is going on at their children’s school and doing something about it.
EAG News is reporting on an Atlanta Charter school Principal, Lara Zelski, who has made a decision that her school will no longer recite the Pledge of Allegiance at school.
In the EAG News article they quote the principal stating to the parents that this is:
an effort to begin our day as a fully inclusive and connected community
She went on to say in a statement posted to the school’s website:
Over the past couple of years it has become increasingly obvious that more and more of our community were choosing to not stand and/or recite the pledge…Teachers and the K-5 leadership team will be working with students to create a school pledge that we can say together at morning meeting…will focus on students’ civic responsibility to their school family, community, country and our global society….I’m really looking forward to what our students create
This decision and statement angered many parents and apparently quickly and I mean very quickly gained the attention of Georgia House Speaker David Ralston, gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp, and others who denounced the decision.
The problem I have and have been pointing out is my concern over people who go into education and their ideologue that they are pushing on our children. All parents should be very aware of what is happening at their children’s school now that we are finding that many of these people in power over our children are pushing their political ideologue on our children. There should be no political ideologue in our children’s classrooms.
Georgia House Speaker David Ralston was quoted in the article stating:
I’m sure our House Education Committee will examine whether taxpayer funds should be used to instill such a divisive ideology in our students
The Principals decision was overturned in less than one day after the Speaker of the House made his statement.
Principal Zelski’s announcement was deleted from the school’s website and replaced with a statement from Lia Santos, chairwoman of the school’s governing board stating:
In the past, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited during our all-school morning meeting, but at the start of the school year, the daily practice was moved to classrooms. This change was done in compliance with state law … and aligned Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School with most other schools in the state who also say the Pledge of Allegiance in individual classrooms…However, it appears there was some miscommunication and inconsistency in the rollout. Starting next week, we will return to our original format and provide our students with the opportunity to recite the Pledge during the all-school morning meeting
At least someone in that school’s management was looking out for the children or reversed the principal’s decision because they were worried about the funding.
This is certainly a lesson for parents to be aware of what is going on in their children’s school and to take immediate action if they do not agree with a policy.
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