State Senator John Bizon of Battle Creek to be Arraigned on Assault Charge Monday
A local lawmaker accused of touching a woman inappropriately during a medical exam earlier this year will be arraigned next week. Michigan State Senator John Bizon of Battle Creek, who represents areas of Calhoun, Barry, and Ionia counties, will appear in Calhoun County District Court Monday morning on a misdemeanor charge of assault.

He allegedly grabbed the waist of a nurse at Oaklawn Medical Group and pulled her close to him on August 14. The allegations first came to light on November 15 in a report that was filed with the Marshall Police Department:
“A nurse practitioner told police Bizon, (R)-Battle Creek, put his arm around her waist and squeezed, pulling her toward him while she was going over medications with him in an exam room, according to the police report. The nurse practitioner mentioned the incident to a medical assistant who said Bizon touched her too and made inappropriate comments while she was taking his vitals, the report said. In an interview with police, the medical assistant said Bizon told her his blood pressure was up because she was in the room.”
The Calhoun County Prosecutor recused themself from the case which led Barry County Prosecutor, Julie Nakfoor Pratt, to take over the case.
Our newsroom spoke with Senator Bizon’s Chief of Staff in November, after the allegations were publicized and we were informed that Bizon would be sending out a press release related to the issue. To date, we are unaware of any release given to the public about it and as far as we know, Senator Bizon has not made a public statement regarding the accusations.
Bizon was elected to the Michigan State Senate in 2018. Previously, he represented Michigan’s 62nd District in the Michigan House of Representatives.
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