Well we have heard it before and now we are hearing it again, Michigan legislators are talking about talking about attempting to put policies in place to lower our auto insurance.
Do you believe you already pay high enough auto insurance rates? Well guess what, your auto insurance could be going up again.
Yes you heard that correctly. We spoke about this on my program a while back and now the Lansing State Journal is reporting that approximately 2 million of us Michiganders could be hit up for another $40 dollars a year per automobile...
Interesting that after a historic defeat at the ballot box to increase our taxes, our state politicians may find existing funding to pay for most of the infrastructure improvements.
We have been discussing the reform — Michigan’s catastrophic insurance reform — for about a month now. The reform in Senate Bills 248 and 249 is mainly focused on cost containment to our MCCA fund.
A new survey by InsuranceQuotes.com found that Michigan has the highest automobile insurance in the nation.
As being reported by the Detroit Free Press Michigan drivers are paying more than double, approimately136% above, the national average of $815 a year, again according to a report by insuranceQuotes.com....