Michigan Recalls Over 9,000 Marijuana Vaping ProductsMichigan Recalls Over 9,000 Marijuana Vaping ProductsVitamin E acetate is used as a cutting agent...RenkRenk
Michigan Judge Stops Whitmer’s Flavored Vape Ban Michigan Judge Stops Whitmer’s Flavored Vape Ban Renk: The judge did not accept the plaintiff’s argument that the rules had no public health value but stated...RenkRenk
Governor Whitmer Lights The Match To Flavored Nicotine Vaping ProductsGovernor Whitmer Lights The Match To Flavored Nicotine Vaping ProductsRenk: On June 4th Governor Whitmer signed Senate Bills 106 and 155, which prohibited the sale of e-cigarettes and other non-traditional nicotine products to minors.RenkRenk
6 Things You Need To Know About Michigan’s Ban on Flavored E-Cigarettes6 Things You Need To Know About Michigan’s Ban on Flavored E-CigarettesYou can be mad or you can agree, but either way, make sure you're informed.PatPat