The Hottest MUST Have Toy for Christmas 2017 Is Already SOLD OUT
Can you find this season's hottest Christmas gift anywhere in Kalamazoo?
With 61 days before Christmas, and 48 days till Hanukkah, I went searching for the hottest Christmas/Hanukkah gift this season, and came up empty handed!
First stop was Walmart...
I spoke with the woman in charge of the toy department, and she informed me that the company was waiting on the disputation center to send the toys to restock the shelves.
I was able to locate them online, but at almost the double the cost, and the website did not say they were in stock.
Off to Meijer...
Online they are out of stock, and in store there is not even a shelf waiting to be filled by the lovable gadgets.
I spoke to the lady in charge of the toy department, and she said that they were hoping to get the toy in next week when the Christmas flyer comes out.
The Fingerlings are not even available at, they are sold out!
We still have a little time before the Holidays, so here is hoping we can find this hot item and be the coolest parents on the block.
Here are the Fingerlings you can choose from (if you can find them)...
- Mia is purple
- Finn is black
- Sophie is white
- Bella is pink
- Boris is blue
- Zoe is light blue/foam green
Here Is What Fingerlings Can Do...
- Their eyes blink
- They blow kisses
- They cling to things
- They sing
- The burp
- They move their heads
- They laugh
- They nap
Most of us remember the Cabbage Patch Kid phase from the 80's, here are more recent past Holiday Best Sellers...
- 2012 - WII U the home video console
- 2013 - Big Hugs Elmo
- 2014 - The Elsa Doll from the movie "Frozen"
- 2015 - BB-8 Star Wars remote controlled toy
- 2016 - Hatchimals the toy that starts as an egg & needs love in order to hatch