Tickets for Smoking in Your Car Alone?
For those of you who do not believe in a slippery slope how about a Canadian citizen receiving three tickets for smoking in his car alone. Now do you believe in the slippery slope theory?
Did you know that Ontario Canada actually have smoke free Ontario enforcement officers? Their anti-smoking laws are so strict they have laws that ban smoking in enclosed workplaces, enclosed public places, outdoor patios and in vehicles where children are passengers.
I can accept all of that but how about a man smoking a cigarette in his enclosed vehicle all by himself, how can that be illegal?
The National Post has published an article about this scourge to society. I cannot believe that they just gave him tickets and did not lock him up and throw away the keys.
The man in question just exited a Tim Hortons with his morning coffee and doughnut, he sat in his car, ate his donut, drank his coffee and god forbid lit and smoked his cigarette alone in his enclosed car until the smoke police showed up.
In fact he was quoted in the article stating:
“I proceeded to have my coffee, my doughnut and my cigarette, and he walked up and he gave me three tickets"
The man in question owns a home and office cleaning business and the vehicle is registered to his company but he stated that the vehicle is his personal car that he drives from home to his office.
The three tickets he received, that could have possibly totaled in the thousands of dollars, were for:
- smoking in an enclosed workplace (his car)
- failing to have a no-smoking sign in his car
- failing to properly supervise a workplace (again his personal vehicle)
At least they are not all bonkers up there and when the man decided to fight the tickets and take it to court the man is quoted in the article stating:
“The justice of the peace said, ‘I haven’t heard one shred of evidence that that car was ever used for business for Sparkles"
The man won ultimately won in court and did not have to pay the tickets.
I was just speaking to someone last week who told me that he does not believe in the slippery slope theory, I wonder if he still does not believe in the slippery slope.
Also if the liberals get their way, do you really believe this is not coming our to America, think twice if your answer is no.
The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts call (269) 441-9595
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