Watch Bicyclist on US 131 near Portage Make an Incredibly Dangerous and Foolish Move that Will Make You Jump
Following several tragic car vs. bicycle accidents in the Kalamazoo area, bicycle safety has never been more in the forefront. But bicyclists, too, need to do their part and ride smartly and safely. From the look of this video captured on US 131 between Portage and Schoolcraft, that didn't happen here.
The video, taken on southbound US 131 as the 70 mile-per-hour expressway is ending at Shaver Road shows a bicyclist move out from the shadow of the Ryder semi and cross both lanes of US 131, which are not required to stop, and right in front of oncoming traffic.
The video was captured and shared on reddit by /u/thefear900 appropriately to the subreddit Idiots In Cars, or in this case Idiots on Bikes.
Foolhardy and incredibly dangerous - let's remember what we were first taught as toddlers: Look both ways twice before you cross a busy street.
Watch the video below:
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