The Best Bars in Michigan for Cubs Fans
Even in a state where Tigers pride runs deep, is there a place for a Chicago Cubs fan to find a welcome? We went looking for the best bars in Michigan for Cubs baseball fans.
Getaway Cubbie Bar
BridgmanThe Southwest corner of the state is directly across Lake Michigan from Chicago so it appears when the winds blow over the lake from Wrigley Field, they settle on the beaches from New Buffalo to St Joseph. In the middle of that stretch of Southwest Michigan is Bridgman and the Getaway Cubbie Bar an unabashed outpost for Cubs fans in Michigan. Most of the menu items carry a Cubs-themed name - you won't find hamburgers here. No, the Getaway serves Ryne Sandburgers.
Eric Meier/TSMEric Meier/TSM Ki Cuyler's Dugout
HarrisvilleKiki Cuyler played for the Cubs from 1928-1935 and is a inductee of the Baseball Hall of Fame. Cuyler was born in Harrisville, the rural Alcona county seat along US 23 in northeastern Michigan on the shores of Lake Huron. His boyhood home is now a great baseball themed bar.
Google Maps Street ViewGoogle Maps Street View McShane's Irish Pub and Whiskey Bar
DetroitHow is is possible that a bar that sits directly across the street for the site of Tiger Stadium could possibly be considered a place for a Cubs fan? It's more the Cubs history that occurred at "The Corner." What is now a vacant lot at Michigan and Trumbull in Detroit's Corktown Neighborhood played host to two of the most historically significant events in Chicago Cubs franchise history. Both of the Cubs World Series wins in 1907 and 1908 occurred against the Detroit Tigers and at their home stadium at the time, Bennett Field. So stop by McShane's, suffer their Tigers fandom, all the while knowing that you're in sacred Cubs territory.
Google Maps Street VIewGoogle Maps Street VIew
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