Dow Forsakes the ‘Human Element’ in Cutting 700 Michigan Jobs
Dow, the Midland-based chemical company announced a global job cutback that will mean 700 Michiganders will lose their employment.
According to the Midland Daily News, the cuts come after a merger between Dow and DowCorning and prior to an expected merger with rival DuPont.
At least 700 people living in the counties that make up the region [Midland-Bay-Saginaw] will know in the coming weeks that their jobs have been cut due to the restructuring. Company officials have prepared opportunities such as an online job portal, career fairs and an Entrepreneurial Fair that will take place in fall 2016.
Dow has partnered with organizations including the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development, Tata Consultancy, Accenture, Saginaw Future and Bay Future, Midland Tomorrow, along with local Chamber of Commerce groups to aid those affected by the job cuts.
The Human Element?
Dow associated itself with a long-running advertising campaign relating their chemical work with the necessity of people - the Human Element. What happened to the "human element" this commentor on the Midland Daily News asked via Facebook,
(HU) Sounds like the human element will cut into profits so bye bye says Dow :( I am pretty sure the people at the top who helped create this corporate greed will have a nice golden parachute paid for with the shareholders dollars. All the other bottom (HU) elements will get taken care of with tax dollars when they start to draw unemployment funds. Corporate greed once again. The founders of these companies are rolling in their graves thanks to this upper management greed. Hopefully the ones that loose their job will bounce back and get back on their feet soon.