‘Evil Dead’ – Michigan Horror Movies for Halloween #5
This month, I'm paying tribute to some of the horror movies that have been either filmed in Michigan, take place in Michigan, or both. I've covered some recent films in the first four installments. This time, I'm going way back to 1981, for one of the best horror movies from Michigan... or anywhere! The Evil Dead!
If you haven't seen the original, I don't even know what to say. This is a classic, and fun horror movie!
Okay, so it's not the highest quality movie ever made, but for the budget, it's pretty freaking awesome. It spawned an amazing franchise, AND it's got Michigan ties!
Not only are the characters from Michigan, but the movie was shot in both Tennessee and Michigan.
Some Michigan students go away to the Tennessee mountains on holiday. They explore this old cabin where they're staying, and stray into the basement. There they find a bunch of creepy stuff, including the Necronomicon, and an old tape of a ritual.
Of course, they play the tape, and the ritual summons evil beings that begin to take over the bodies of the students. Bloodshed ensues.
This is a great first movie for Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell. And the second pass they made on the film, The Evil Dead II, which is more of a remake than a sequel, led to an amazing third movie, Army of Darkness.
There's also a remake from 2013, which kicked ass, and a new TV series with Bruce Campbell, Ash vs the Evil Dead.
These are all great reasons to get started on the movies now.
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